Music's Color

Music's Color


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San Diego, CA
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About Me

Born: San Diego, sweets.
Age: You're funny, you know that?
Height: Tall for a Mexican girl, I guess.
Things I Am About: Writing (durhur), music, art, anime, reading, sweets, Disney movies...yeah.
Things I Am: Nice, friendly, shy, quiet, timid, creative, smart (I'M A GENIUS NO NOT REALLY), a bit hyper, sometimes a bit outta control, funny in a quiet way and then funny in a silly way that's out there, weird. Yeah. That's just about it.

- Color: ANY shade of blue; silver; black; red; purple.
- Movie: As of now, Princess and the Frog.
- Book: As of now, the Maximum Ride Series.
- Subject: Art, Music, or English
- Drink: Coca Cola
- Food: Fettuccine Alfredo.
- Music Genre: None. I listen to just about everything with three exceptions: Country, Heavy Metal/Metal, and Rap.
- Band: LINKIN PARK (they're slightly NU METAL, thank you.)

Well, like I just said, I was born and raised in San Diego. I've been attending private Catholic school since I was five, but I'm far from religious. I believe God's out there, but there're times I think he's lazy and yet awesome. Weird, right? Right. Thought so. Anyways, I have decent grades. A lot of people think I'm smart, I say I am but I'm extremely lazy. But now I'm VERY willing to come out alright.

Enough rambling about school.

I started writing kiddie poems when I was about seven or eight...I never will get my timeline straight. But after I wrote my first two poems, I started writing more and more, I found it so enjoyable. I write it for fun, though - I got a poem published once, but I don't think I'd make a full-on poetry writer - so I only put my poems, though not very good, up in order to entertain people.

I entertain. It's merely what I do.

I only started writing stories the summer after fifth grade. I have to thank; their Neopian Times made it seem important for me to write something and get it published. My dream's to get a work of mine published one day, but the idea of that work has yet to come. I want it to kick Harry Potter's wizard butt.

So yes, that's basically all there really is to know about me. Have a nice day.

To those who bother to review me, I have but one reply:
Thank you so much for taking your time to read my work, and I wish you success in your abilities as writers. You're all amazing, you hear me?! AMAZING.
I love you all!



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Posted 14 Years Ago

The Snowflake that Changed a Life

I wondered how he could be so upbeat after such a day, especially since this man had a job that kept him on the road. He shared with the group that on the way to the post office, he went into a coffee shop to get out of the storm and cold for a while. While sitting in the coffee shop he looked around and saw that most of the people there seemed miserable with red noses, sniffling, coughing, bundled up in layers of clothes. He too was feeling quite miserable. He too was sniffling, tired and cold. Then he remembered that in the Course, it stated that you are in control of your perceptions. Right then and there, he decided to do something about his attitude.

In an instant, he decided that on the way to the post office, each and every snowflake that hit his face would bring him joy; that those snow flakes would no longer cause him grief, that they would no longer make him curse the weather, or in any way negatively affect his state of mind. So after finishing his coffee, off he went walking to the post office.

As the first snowflakes hit his face, interestingly enough he also experienced his first smirk of the day. And as the snowflakes increased in volume, so too did his smirk, which turned into a smile. Soon joy became an actual thought in his mind. He began to sing "snow flakes are falling on my head" as he walked by so many other souls who had chosen, in their own way, to see the day and their walk as a hassle, inconvenience and a hazard. At first, he sang the song in his mind, then just loud enough for himself to hear it. As the snowflakes increased, so too did his volume. There he was, singing joyfully as other pedestrians probably wondered what this poor schizophrenic person was doing out in this kind of weather. The snowflakes kept falling on his face and now that his rendition of the song was a number one single in the charts of his mind, he could sing it loud, proud and with joy.

- James Blanchard Cisneros, You Have Chosen to Remember: A Journey From Perception to Knowledge, Peace of Mind and Joy, p. 215

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Oh my gosh there was really no grammar errors in "The Lost Generation"!? *pops cider bottle and watches the cap take out Sister Joyce's eye*
... we can pretend that didn't happen.

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Thank you for your kind review of my poetry! *Smiles*


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Posted 15 Years Ago

Dunno, he tries to ignore me. It usually works too XD

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Posted 15 Years Ago

*wants to shout real name but manages to overcome* Stasia!! *epic hugs and swings around while knocking a few piles of books over* Holo had to go give blood for his baby brother :'(
in other news...
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