Ratatosk Writings

Ratatosk Writings


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Bristol, United Kingdom, United Kingdom
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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

I am a legal PA, author and tutor based in Bristol, United Kingdom. I have had many works published over the years, in varying formats and genres. I am continually pushing the boundaries of my existence, and to that end started the writer's cyber cafe - Writing in the Margins in 2005.

I currently have a screenplay in pre-production stall, along with a novel - The King of Sandcastles awaiting publication.

In November 2005 our world was turned upside down when our youngest son, Toby, was involved in a rta and suffered severe head injuries. My world is now dedicated to his recovery and fighting for the rights of adolescent acquired brain-injured - who at present seem to have none in the United Kingdom.


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Posted 17 Years Ago

The best of luck with your son... George Galloway (no, dont laugh!) is very good helping people like you. Go to the HouseOfCommons website at emil him from there.

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Posted 18 Years Ago

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Posted 18 Years Ago

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Good afternoon!

Have you heard of �mapping�? It is a technique, to develop fictional writing. Mostly used for story/novel writing, but it can also be applied to poetry. It is a great way to develop your creativity and find new sources of inspiration.

Underground Writers Network ~ Challenge #11

Have fun!


Val J.

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Hi Everyone...

Change happens to everyone, sometimes for the good and sometimes not - at the moment I am not sure what category the change happening to me at the moment is in !!!

We have outgrown the original Writing in the Margins site. Without radical overhaul it is just not expanding enough for the group we have become and want to be - So we are going to be moving to a new home -www.writinginthemargins.com
at some point in the future.

In the meantime, I am aware many of you are in limbo - not knowing quite what to expect from this site and the forums etc. So I am going to closing the forum here and just sticking with the Yahoo Groups, as I think those are the most successful. I am also going to carry on with the group blogs and WIKIs.

The WriteOn Yahoo group has limped on for quite a while now, and I think that is very sad - LauraJayne has moved to the Highlands and has many other activities she wishes to pursue and cannot give the time anticipated to keep this running as a virtual group -

So I am going to change the role of that group - to link it in with the Bristol Central Library creative writing group which is being launched in the New Year. This way all you members who cannot attend in person, can spiritually and be part of a more interactive and progressive writing group.

Those of you who just wish to dip in and out for prompts can stay with the original yahoo groups. Those of you who want to moan - please carry on with my blessing.

So to summarise -

Carry on visiting www.writinginthemargins.co.uk for the Yahoo Groups, noticeboards and newsletter from your's truly, and various other procrastinations

Visit the sister site for interesting innovations (in other words I am going to find it easier to experiment there than here..) www.writinginthemargins.com

Anyone who would like a page to advertise themselves, their products, their writing life, websites or simply their egos - please email me the copy you would like included and I can arrange one free of charge on the dot.com site.

Don't forget to buy your MsLexia diary - where writinginthemargins is featured as one of the top 10 writing sites to try.

Thanks as always for your support - with you - there would be no point to any of this.

Best wishes

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Good morning!

We had the pleasure of enjoying some wonderful pieces for the last challenge. Oxymorons can certainly be fun!

Now this week�s challenge is a little different.

As writers, we have to play many different roles to successfully market our works. From sales persons, to marketers, to advertisers we have to manage to develop a series of skills to promote our work and make sure someone gets to read it. I believe as writers, our ultimate goal is to have someone to �listen� to what we have to say.

What would you say if you had to sell a concept that people do not think about too often? Concepts that are embedded deep inside of us, and that as writers we usually ponder many times. How would you make someone �buy� them?

Underground Writers Network ~ Challenge #10

I hope you have fun and enjoy it.

Have a great day!


Val J.

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Posted 18 Years Ago

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Good morning!

The last challenge was short, but we all got some good laughs out of it. Hope you got to enjoy reading some of them. ;)

Have you heard of oxymorons? They make for some great word play. Check the new challenge and see for yourself!

Underground Writers Network ~ Challenge #9

Life gets crazy sometimes, and we can�t always participate by creating. But remember to stop by and show your fellow writers some support by voting near the end of the week. You have time to post until Sunday, and to vote until Monday 2pm EST.

I hope you are having a great day!


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Posted 18 Years Ago

I must admit that I have succumbed to life and not been able to join in this years NaNo challenge. CURSE YOU WRECHED LIFE!! lol...
Oh but there will be next year I suppose.
Good for you though, I'm sending positive energy your way to help you through that final 58%.


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Posted 18 Years Ago