About Me
I'm what you call a creative and imaginative person. For as long as I can remember, I have always been exploring the vast wonders of my thoughts and using the best of my abilities to produce a one of a kind product that I can be truly proud of. Being able to express my most inner feelings and thoughts through words has always been something I cherished. Yes I do have those moments where nothing seems to want to escape onto the blank pages that lay before my face but I actually appreciate and accept those times. I know life isn't perfect and nor is my creativity. I mean I am not stranger to misspelling a word or two or even not putting the right punctuation mark in my sentences but all real writers have their flaws, I am no different. Though I may not like to hear criticism sometimes, I do actually want it. I love to hear feedback on my thoughts. See how people either relate or hate the topics I choose to write about. Hence the reason I am here, I want to let my words be heard and I want to hear your own words in return. Don't be afraid to tell the truth because feedback will help me grow. My writing isn't perfect and I know this.
Now I shall thank you for taking that brief moment to read the above and I pray that my writing will be good enough for feedback or even praise. So what are you waiting for? Go check out my work and let your own voice be heard.
-Jessica Renee