It's time to step up and take responsibility for the fact that I'm a parent, now. Is anyone else as frightened as I am about that?
A quick trip to the hospital and suddenly the world takes on a whole new perspective. Who hasn't gone through that? Okay, fine. You in the white ro..
Hungover and writing. Step away from the keyboard, sir, and nobody gets hurt.
Today's blog is brought to you by Brillo. Whether you're chewing up your hands or scraping week old lasagna off your favorite china, it's always Brill..
The art of self-flagellation. Witness the awe inspiring spectacle of a man on the brink of something less than desirable.
I is righting. Seez me tieping?
Our starving artist will now attempt to adjust your reality. This is not a test.
Ooh, look, I've switched to Latin. Guess that F in High School didn't... wait, THAT'S NOT LATIN!!!
Don't ever discuss politics, parenting or religion in an open forum. Who the hell am I kidding???
It's also for philosophy. Hey, they sound the same. Give a guy a little artistic license, here, will ya? Oh, and money. Lots and lots of filthy lu..