JR Darewood : Writing

V. A Fateful Decision

V. A Fateful Decision

A Chapter by JR Darewood

Lade gripped the bars of the cell, fighting back despair. The bars were cold and unfeeling-- indifferent to..
VI. The Second Son

VI. The Second Son

A Chapter by JR Darewood

The other apprentices usually didn’t pay Rhys much mind-- they rarely even spoke to him. But today they were all ..
VII. The Ultimate Escape

VII. The Ultimate Escape

A Chapter by JR Darewood

Jor and Tyril slid silently through the castle halls, desperately looking for a way out. Lockpick in hand..
VIII. An Act of Treason

VIII. An Act of Treason

A Chapter by JR Darewood

Rhys heaved gasping for air as the Second Trial concluded. He touched his face. Yes, he was real, this was real. The illus..
True Story

True Story

A Book by JR Darewood

Letters from the edge
Diet Pills for Africa, Rap Stars, Missionaries and Human Sacrifice

Diet Pills for Africa, Rap Stars, Missionaries and..

A Chapter by JR Darewood

LETTER: July, 2009 “You’re different from other Americans,” Alvaro remarked. &..
Anything is Possible

Anything is Possible

A Chapter by JR Darewood

JOURNAL: July 13-15, 2009 Izac showed me the bleached wooden beads around his neck. "This is for wom..
Greyhound to LA

Greyhound to LA

A Chapter by JR Darewood

LETTER: June 3, 2006 It’s so nice to have you to write this to..
Relationship Tips #1

Relationship Tips #1

A Chapter by JR Darewood

I know they say you need to love yourself first before you can love anyone else...but if you could love yourself just a tiny bit less, I think this re..