A Place I loved, a place I forgot, a place I dreamt so long
The winds blew through, the rain beat down, the thunder
stormed, the sun hid away..
The City of Fog is a place that never sleepsWe have the River Thames flowing throughA gateway, a link to the land of before, the primal river where li..
This man was not born here, but had come from anotherThe city nurtured him with literature and nature,He was a child of the words, the rhythms and the..
The Spires appeared lonely, looking at the clouds all day longDo they dream when they sleep, and what do they dreamDo they lift their bases off the gr..
Have you ever walked through the streets of London?Have you ever walked down a path, unaware of what you might find?And you find what you do not expec..
Flora fascinates fauna feverishlyOutcasting organisms, outliving ourselvesReading redwood, representing reproductionEvergreen eclipse electrifying env..
Eleven Lines connecting the corners of LondonAll crossing each other, lay lined with the life of the cityThe strings of fate connecting the land with ..
Jack and JacquesOne’s a killer, one’s a doctorWalking among the poor, they came upon fiveFive alive and five deceasedRipped apart and then..
Welcome, welcome to the city of endless dreamsWhere one enters and only leaves when the vigil of the city decreesLet me guide you through the wavering..
Mikhail Kustov's Poetry Collection describes his journey around London and Oxford. His use of personification and natural imagery captivates the reade..