Mr Betts

Mr Betts


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Longmont, CO
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About Me

Amon Tyler "Mr" Betts A.K.A~ Mr Betts, Von Betts, VonBeezer, Dacti...
Was born Friday the 13th January 1978 {See just my name and birth date seem like ficticious Psydenum Writer Fake S**t to help sell. This is true!!!) He was born two days prior to his beloved Denver Broncos first Super Bowl Apperance (Supa Bo!!! XII Vs. Dallas Cowboys... Dang Craig Morton threw the Game!!!). He was named fittingly by his Uncle John Jr. Betts and Mother Patricia Shannon (Now Johnson because she married a great man Jerry Johnson!!!) after a Viny album created by a German Electronic Rock Band Called; "Amon Duul". His deep passion for writing bleeds into every aspect of his entertainment knowledge packed Cranium. Symbiotoc Unity and Peace Baby!!!
His Father Michael Arthur Betts was a film critic and Short Horror Story writer for an East Coast Syndicate called; "The Horror Show". He wrote with the likes of A Young Joe R. Lansdale (Bubba Ho-Tep), Dean Koontz, Clive Barker, Robert Bloch (Psycho), Frank Herbert (Dune), and the list goes on...
Amon happily grabbed the driven Torch pig Betts Family Creativity and now has enjoyed journalism, Fiction and Non- Fiction alike works, but most of all loves trying to re-create the intricate historic wheel of Literature by experimenting with numerous styles of writing and mixing them together sometimes with Macabre Spices or recently with Dashes of fate. Either recipe he has found has come to find solid review. From Professors of College Drama and English studies to fellow Peers of our Great U.....S....of...A as Ole Jack Burton (Kurt Russel in "Big Trouble in Little China") Would say.
So as Cliche as it may sound, please expect the more than unexpected when you choose to Delve into any writing...
God Bless...

"See thru God's Eyes so others see the Lord in your eye's..."

Love you Z, Joker Jake and EA, so proud of you and your famiies. Big Blood forever!!!

"Can we Peace Together!? Can we teach?"

Amon Tyler "Mr" Betts