Matt Thompson

Matt Thompson


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Cedar Rapids area, IA
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About Me

Matt started writing seriously in 1994. Around the time he met someone who would forever be an intragal part of his life. His poetry centered around her, as well as other friends. Since then, he adopted a darker feel at times, taking on such things as loneliness, babies born hooked on drugs, erotica, death, and pieces based on his faith in Christ(one piece even challenges churches who treat sexuality as dirty in the piece "Taboo").
In June of 2005, A close friend of Matt's introduced him to Jesper, a Swedish musician who needed help with some lyrics. What ensued was a piece that left many amazed at the duo's abilities. More songs were created. Within the first 2 months, Man In The Mirror debuted on the internet radio station, The Right Place ( Since then, they have written several more songs and made them available for free download @ Each song is a powerful experience that has to be witnessed.
Seeing the potential in Matt's abilities, 15 year old Taylor asked Matt to write some stuff for his project, in the near future. No doubt, this combination hopes to make an impact on many people who come in cantact with them.
As for the future, Matt hopes to write for more musicians to become more known, and develop a fan base, so that one day he can put his ambitious ideas into one of the most unique books ever. He would also like to record a spoken word cd under the moniker Scarlet Snow.
Matt's influences are: Samantha Escarbe and Rowan London of the Band Virgin Black, Eric Clayton of Saviour Machine, and Klayton Scott formerly of Circle Of Dust and currently of Angel Dust and Celldweller (
On Oct. 24 of 2009, Matt Played with his spoken word line up Scarlet Snow, as it's intended line up for the first time. The group had no rehearsal, and Matt had not even heard the music before hand. Too add to what seemed like something destined for failure, Matt had a real bad cold, and a sprained ankle. But they pulled it off.
Band member Michael X. Christian took the video(shot from a Sony Cybershot 10 mp) and ripped some of the audio, and did some editing effects. Matt and Michael agreed that it could be used as a live demo, a template to show what Scarlet Snow was capable of.
Scarlet Snow has become the result of 23 years of hard work that hopes to catapult Matt into success. For more info on Scarlet Snow, visit


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Posted 18 Years Ago

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Thanks for reading and reviewing! I'm glad you liked "Forever"!

~Aradia Redswan~

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Thank you for reviewing my work! I believe you may go far with this! ;)

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Welcome to Writer's Cafe, I look forward to reading what you write!