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Grand Island, NE
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About Me

I've been a want to be writer since the fourth grade. In the seventh, I wrote my first short story (a horrible piece of work, but a piece of work with heart) and continued writing a much larger 80 page story. Since then I've taken on many large scale ideas, never to actually come out with anything I thought. . .worth it. Now, with some more experience behind my back, a year with the most amazing English teacher I've ever had, and a lot more literary experience with great works by amazing authors, I've decided to tackle short stories and possibly a novella. I'm a nice person who loves meeting new people and am very dedicated to my friendships. I love looking at life for what it is and isn't, and have a lot of fun discussing issues with anyone I find intriguing. I play many online games and have spent a great deal of time on a PC and console. That's about it.



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Posted 17 Years Ago

Yes, well, I'm a rather curious chap from time to time and yes, I enjoyed the story. I just found the subject matter humorous. Personally, I think there are some human beings in this world who are not worth the skin they are printed on.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hey. long time no see

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thanks for the review on threaddsssss ummm! Yeah, karma has a way of biting back.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

I just saw your post. I am new too! Can I add you to my friends list?

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hey, welcome to both the Cafe and to The Dark Ones. Please, check out our group rules in the forum and get acquainted with how things work in our tiny little corner of the WC universe.


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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thank you very much, I'm glad to meet you as well.