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Posted 9 Years Ago

Well HELLO and Happy New Year to YOU!! ;~) I haven't been on this site in forever... gee... I'm doing good, spent New Year's Day down the road with my parents. We had Mexican dishes for dinner that night since we'd enjoyed grilled shrimp kabobs and lobster tails for Christmas. Interesting... I was thinking about you recently... wondering where you were living these days and if you were still working the same job? Gee, 8AM here and I of course have been up all night again. Had fun last night since i went out for a very late meal after going to Walmart to do a little shopping. The people I cross paths with and end up striking up a conversation with... when I "decided to sit down at their table so, they didn't have to keep looking up at me... they were a bit surprised when I told them I was six foot two with my shoes on. They told me they were much shorter and it was shocking to all 3 of us when the did stand up to get "their land legs back". Smiles all around... it was a fun chat. Four years?? ;~) I'm still doing my MS injections every other day... hard to believe I'm been doing that for almost 16 years now... the things we get used to and that become second nature/habits. ;~) I've been to many shows at the local Midland Theatre in recent years and had completed many more dream catchers with a few more on my to do list. ;~) Keep in touch.... GOOD to hear from you!!

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Posted 9 Years Ago

Happy New Year!

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Posted 14 Years Ago

I doing good; not up to much at all. Spending time sleepng mostly here at home; then out late at a local restaurant chatting with the folks that come and go. We go there 'cause it's open all nite 6 nights a week, and depending upon the cook; the foods pretty good and affordable. ;~) One of these days I might start cooking again myself... I used to be a good cook; just haven't done it in many moons... what's the point for ONE when there's cereal or microwave meals? Think this area of Ohio's gonna get SNOW soon so I might use up some of those microwave meals since if the snow flies I'll just STAY HOME. ;~)

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Posted 14 Years Ago

what r u doing? and how r u? i'm not around here much these days...taking a break from writing.