It's you that reaches me in the darkest depths of my mind.you love, pluck my heart strings, a final tune that lifts my soul to dance;a..
its not finished yet.. but mehh
i've run out of things to say
to compensate how i feel
rendered speechless by your
inability to witness what is real
you left me s..
I wait.
I wait by the window and watch the day
From day to night and day again it
fades bringing
I dropped my heart somewhere in the past.No retraced steps or time machine will get it back,but I'm not so certain I care.A heart carries a lot of pro..
I sit alone in muffled silence,lonely in a crowded room and I feel you, taunting from the unseen corner of my mind. You live there, you see. nestled d..
We are frozen and empty with icicles clinging to our ribcages. Snow dances within our hearts and ice water pools in out veins. We feel not because we ..
and i'll always leave with a smile on my face and a tear in my eye, but i'll blame it on the better times; though all i'm trying to prove is i'm stron..
I look at you daddy, and feel dead. There are no range of emotions that make me reach for you. No love, nor hate, but simple numbness that passes thro..
Snow.. Im not really sure how to set this up... >.