Cut my ears off and call me Deaf Dan. Yeah... I'm just going to cut straight away to the bullseye. I contacted Joseph Pratt.. I was just puking lava a..
Oh nitrogen farts! Heyyy.. Pretty bored and lonely. So I thought I'd slap my intestines on here... Well, mom just cancelled my appointment with that e..
I CAN TASTE THE FAILURE FLOATING IN THE AIR WITH THE BALLOONS! Yeah, baaack. I'm on the edge of the volcano's lips... I feel almost completely alone a..
THOSE ROADKILL REALLY ARE MY PALSY WALSYS! Hey... Things are starting to crumble a bit... My parents started back up the arguing yesterday. They were ..
Cartoon grannies will slaughter you... It's been a good 5 days, so why not? The puckwudgies have certainly been giving me piggyback rides, haven't the..
Please play pogo on my flesh capsule so I can puke on my face.. Haven't really been in the web Journal mood, lately. Not because all is on a comfortab..
You could spank me and I wouldn't feel a thing.. Hey. You could be wondering why I haven't been typing or maybe you don't care.. But ultimately, a lot..
I met so many stupid mother fuckers in 2022 that 2020 is looking platinum in comparison. 2020 at least had some sentimental toast gliding like flying ..