You'vemade a stage of the sidewalk.You dance like dust beneath a lantern.The rain accompanies you. It hits you,and you’re music.A thousand shado..
I. I’m listening to winged things sing songsin praise of trees. I know all the tunes andnone of the words, like Friday night serviceat temple. I..
I'm in the pond, floating on my back.I sense the weight of the heat on my face,your weight in your mother's arms.I wonder if water ever looks for itse..
I. The skin of the sky sags on its bones,folds itself around us. It's starrier than everwith the glitter of insect wings.It's bitter, the first sip of..
Strings of rain strangle the heat.The fields are green and geeseless.Bees hover over flowers I don’t knowthe names of, or how nectar becomes hon..
The psychic says, “Come here let me tell your fortuneusing only playing cards. Choose a card, any card.That’s the two of spades. No I don&..
A guy on St. Marks Place sells lollipopsfor five dollars each. I buy five and send themto you to the wrong address with a note that says:Have you noti..
This evening looks like noon but sounds like night,with all the cricket sirens.The moon’s silver scalp barely breaks the surface of the sky.I te..
The river ripples. Its current crushes rocksinto pebbles into sand. The wind ripplesthe grass-- green feathers, green fur of theearth. You cut some ro..
Heaven is sweating outside.The moth on the glass door beats his wings,which are whiter than moonlight when the moonis full and white.It’s the la..