I never want to forget the memory of me and him. When I think back to those days we spent together, that warm fuzzy feeling comes back to me. I rememb..
I see this picture inside my mind.
It's a boy, though I'm not sure who.
He has a warm smile.
Welcoming arms too.
I'm not sure who it is.
Oh wait!..
My phone lights up.
My heart skips a beat.
There it is, the proof that it is you.
Your warm smile that makes my heart stop.
You remember, that p..
What happened to us?
Don't you remember what you said?
Those few words that made me feel safe,
The ones that made me think someone would always be ..
Some people say,
"Forget the people in your past, there is a reason they didn't get to your future"
I disagree!
The people in your past w..
There we are standing side my side.
Our hands interlocked,
Smiles across our faces.
Everyone around us can tell we are in love,
Just because of th..
There you are,
Sitting in front of me,
Staring at me till you get my attention,
I finally look up from my paper to see your big blue eyes piercing ..