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About Me

Umm.. I like to write, draw, sing, and listen to music. I hold all my friends dear. I can be a very random person at times. My favorite type of music is Heavy Metal, Death Metal, Rock, Alternative, and Techno. Have any question's just ask I guess.


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Posted 14 Years Ago

Put yourself where you belong. Go with what you know is right for you.
Whatever you most love to do is what you will do best. Places where you love to be, and people you love to be around, will bring out your highest level of effectiveness.

Put yourself in those places and get yourself around those people as much as you can. Be where you belong and you'll be your very best.

When something feels right, that means it is right for you. Pay attention to your authentic feelings, and follow where they lead.

It's not frivolous or selfish to do what you love. When you're doing what you love, you're able to give the best of who you are.

Be the way you want to be, feel the way you like to feel and do the things you wish to do. Get yourself where you truly belong, and live your own special greatness.

-- Ralph Marston

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Posted 14 Years Ago
