A dog wanders through the forest. It is calm and neither the snapping of twigs nor the scampering of squirrels is enough to rouse any form of emotion...
Flashing. Bright, unnatural flashes conquer the hay skies and hostile faces. It’s a great sin to be different in a world where everyone is the s..
There was a man who believed himself a mighty ruler. With brags, boasts and egocentric toasts. This was a king who didn’t understand his own pow..
Pat’s got a broken heart and a broken head. The accident left his life ruined and his girlfriend dead. He prayed at the wheel for them both to b..
There are no immortals,Magic is not a fantasyBut an escape from a colder reality,Life is a complex routineUntil we burn,Or down in graves our bones gl..
Toxic siblings.
My name was human,
I was, an individual at heart,
But when war came,
I tore myself apart,
My name was human,
A great genius, was I,
But I let ..
With false hobbies, and false interest
I, with my hate, have a story I tell,
a story, I myself doubt, in both moral,
and emotional sorrow, my story..
We're a broken family,
Dad's an alcoholic,
Mum's a recluse,
I'm just useless me.
The world is so still and old,
My dad is drunk and tired,