MistVkamp45 : Writing

Me vs Myself

Me vs Myself

A Poem by MistVkamp45

In the point of view of someone who is against the world, but ends up falling in love, which is not what this bad person wants.
I want to be the one

I want to be the one

A Poem by MistVkamp45

The thoughts that went through my head on the bus today
Picture of a Rose

Picture of a Rose

A Poem by MistVkamp45

Just a dream I had. Wish it was real.
Meant to be?

Meant to be?

A Poem by MistVkamp45

Wrote this a while ago. Again it is about my crush, apparently he knows I like him but doesn't seem to care because he doesn't say anything. People s..
Your (We belong)

Your (We belong)

A Poem by MistVkamp45

I have a crush on this guy at school and here is what happens.


A Poem by MistVkamp45

Comes from a person who doesn't like what they have become. First real poem I ever wrote, I wrote it last year but decided to post it today.


A Poem by MistVkamp45

Hard to explain really...

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