Missy Moooooo : Writing



A Poem by Missy Moooooo

Just love speaking here
Fighting for it.

Fighting for it.

A Poem by Missy Moooooo

Fearful thoughtsand hard moments,why oh why did I do this to myself?I will fight my entire way,I won't stop, I will be out of here soon enoughI can ge..


A Poem by Missy Moooooo

With bare hands swooping up the coldsoft snow from the ground,looking into the lights watching the snow fall merrily, softly to the surfacehouses with..
Montgomery <3

Montgomery <3

A Poem by Missy Moooooo

Red Roses racing in the distanceattacking a treetears jumping off faces,black every where.Weeping in cornersregret, shown on everyone's facesregret, f..
Is it too late?

Is it too late?

A Poem by Missy Moooooo

Even tho I know you deeply care for me,and you will never hurt me. You may have in the past when I was angry at the world,But I know you, you didn't m..


A Poem by Missy Moooooo

Deep dark eyes stare off into the darkness. Not saying a word why must life be so hard to handle? Almost so hard there’s no happine..
Childhood snowfall

Childhood snowfall

A Poem by Missy Moooooo

Hiding behind snow mounds three times bigger then uscovered with a thick white coating,while I danced with the guy I loved once upon a timethose hidde..


A Poem by Missy Moooooo

Being placed here in such a place feeling abandoned, no one wants you hating life; hating who you are. Trying to be your self never feeling ac..


A Poem by Missy Moooooo

The Weight of the world on your shoulders, Whatever happens next we'll stick together. If she leaves, I promise to help out. In whichever way ..


A Poem by Missy Moooooo

It's sorta a song o.o