Just love speaking here
Fearful thoughtsand hard moments,why oh why did I do this to myself?I will fight my entire way,I won't stop, I will be out of here soon enoughI can ge..
With bare hands swooping up the coldsoft snow from the ground,looking into the lights watching the snow fall merrily, softly to the surfacehouses with..
Red Roses racing in the distanceattacking a treetears jumping off faces,black every where.Weeping in cornersregret, shown on everyone's facesregret, f..
Even tho I know you deeply care for me,and you will never hurt me. You may have in the past when I was angry at the world,But I know you, you didn't m..
Deep dark eyes
stare off into
the darkness.
Not saying
a word
why must life be so
hard to handle?
Almost so hard
there’s no happine..
Hiding behind snow mounds three times bigger then uscovered with a thick white coating,while I danced with the guy I loved once upon a timethose hidde..
Being placed here in such a place
feeling abandoned,
no one wants you
hating life;
hating who you are.
Trying to be your self
never feeling ac..
The Weight of the world
on your shoulders,
Whatever happens next
we'll stick together.
If she leaves, I promise to
help out.
In whichever way ..
It's sorta a song o.o