I want to wear his jacket to bed,I want to sit behind him and massage his head,I want to make us little snacks,I want to be weird and see how he acts...
He pulled me close,And looked in my eyes.Then looked awayup at the sky.He looked back at me,And bit his lip,Then I got on my toes,the very tips.Then I..
Something almost every girl has to say some day.
Something I think we've all experienced..
I look at the stars, they're shining to me,My smile grows with every one I see.They're too far for me to hold,But close enough so I can see them glow...
Will you hold me?Will you check for monsters under my bed?Will you kill the spiders?Will you take care of the nightmares that run in my head?Will you ..
No matter how hard things get, there will be a brighter future!