Miss Suicide

Miss Suicide


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About Me

There are two sides to every story.
And mine is literately night and day.
By night;
I am a sadist, masochist, pessimist, and just about every other malicious -ist you could think of. My mind runs a million miles a minute and I can't slow it down. I lose touch with reality. My nightmares become delusions. My fears are suddenly surrounding me. I doubt myself. I blame every last mistake on myself. I break.

By day;
You'd never guess what was happening only hours before. I smile and laugh more than anyone every should. My confidence is small, but it's there. I am random and complicated. I dress in black but there's a colour to me. I rock hard and party till I drop. Nothing keeps me down for too long. My friends hold me together. I am whole.

But if you're unlucky enough to catch me at twilight; I am everything at once but nothing at all. I show you the scars and swear I'll never do it again, but we both know it's a lie. I smile through my pouring tears and tell you not to worry, but I need you more than ever. I want you to hold me, but I push you away. I give you promises that we know won't be kept. And I don't have control. I am twisted.

Last and least; I'm just a teenage girl that chose to grow up too fast.


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Posted 15 Years Ago

I'm trying to melt off the last of the snow of my winter with a hair dryer... Want your long winter to melt away (or at least for you to see the first signs of spring coming up through the snow)...

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Oh dear friend, so sorry for the struggles you face... Want things to go well for you... for you to have a sense of peace. Seasons... life comes in seasons... I lived through ten years of winter... but the spring finally came... It will come for you... it will...

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Let me know what's up... was thinking about you... Hope the week goes well...

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Posted 16 Years Ago

How have you been??? Wanted to stop by for at least a moment... Hope to hear from you soon...

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Posted 16 Years Ago

im kinda.....eh.... right now

i need someone to talk to....

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Will you be okay? I'll be here if you need anything. I have ghosts that still hunt me down periodically... Want to make sure all is well for you...

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Doing pretty good this week. What have you been up to? Life been treating you ok?

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Been a long time... Hope you're doing ok. Glad you're here...

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Thanks for the advice, I enjoy reading your poetry =]

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Posted 16 Years Ago

View my page on Write To Live
