About MeIf you send me a request I will definitely make an effort to read it. I don't like leaving short reviews because I like the way typing feels. If my original review is too short for my taste I will reread your piece more than once. I don't know why. My reviews will always be long if I relate to the piece. I'm not scared to express how literature makes me feel. Actually, I'm not scared to express my opinion about anything. I know I need to start writing my memoir. I'm seriously writing at least three. I've had people tell me that if I didn't write at least one book about myself that they will. So, I suppose I should get started. I have all three outlined. My first one is titled "Sex and Cigarettes." If anyone steals my title I would probably strangle them until they stopped breathing. I love that title. It's mine. I'm upset that I was under so much pressure trying to do the second chapter of my vampire novel that I'm thinking about retyping the entire thing. Chapter 1 isn't perfect, but it makes you want to read the rest of it. I want my book to be so good, that anyone can turn to some random page, read a few lines and can't help themselves but buy it. I swear that is how I have picked every single book I've ever bought in my entire life. That is the reason why I love Stephen King. Him and Charles Bukowski are the only people that draw me in with one sentence. After I read that one sentence I continue and read that entire paragraph and then I pay for the book. Stephen King is my idol. If I ever met him I would insist that we sit down and have an entire conversation. I love his blunt writing...I write just like that. I don't care if anyone else likes it. Seriously. I'm obsessed with Buffy. I watch it constantly. I even quote it in conversation. ![]() Buffy is probably the main reason why I'm writing a vampire series. Buffy and Anne Rice are my motivations. I have several Anne Rice books and have never finished one...and I speed read (I read Stephen King's "It" when I was in 4th grade...it's over 1000 pages...done in 2 days at the most). Anne Rice gets boring. I will not. Buffy constantly throws each character in a situation where they become evil and I just love it. I loved vampy Willow, evil witch Willow, vamp slayer sexin' Buffy and rebel slayer Faith. Just remember the quote from my first installment of my vampire series. "Everyone you will grow to love will die." Evil will always prevail. I'm tired of seeing good win...that's starting to get boring. There is nothing wrong with being bad...it's actually more fun. Writing is my escape. Writing is why I love life. ![]() Comments