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Centralia, WA
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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

I am a 18 year old writer. I started writing since I was in 5th grade. I'm also a photographer, a movie director *kind of*, and I am a senior at Centralia High School.

My inspiration for wrting and photography is *drum roll* music. Whenever I have a writer's block, I would listen to music (any music) so I can think of new ideas.

One of my favorite writers is Holly Black.

I have a MySpace profile (in case you missed it... ^_^) And here it is again:


other profile links:


And I also have a Deviantart page: Check it out!!;


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Posted 17 Years Ago

It's a freezing rain I woke up to this AM. NOT pleasant.

I'm sorry but I don't miss the Seattle rain, either. Some of my siblings abide in your neck of the woods though.

I've been to Centralia a number of times since living out that way...work takes me out there on occasion. Supposed to be in Seattle in a couple weeks...and Pasco.

Oh well, sorry to go on but it is nice to hear from someone out that way.


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Posted 17 Years Ago

Centralia...wow. I went to undergraduate school in Seattle.

How's the weather?