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Downingtown, PA
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About Me

When I was younger I would always rhyme words together in my head. I began regularly writing poems and keeping all of them at the age of fourteen. Since then I've grown tremendously. I'd love to some day be published and I feel like I'm not quite there yet. I'm used to a lyrical style as music is a huge influence on my life including writing but I am trying to break myself of that and go out of my boundaries I set. I get the reviewer bug every now and then so if I'm absent for a while, be patient. If you give anything I write a helpful suggestion I'm sure to do the same for you.


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Posted 16 Years Ago

Hello Dawn

You write beautifully. You are endowed with many gifts and I honour your contributions to writers cafe. Poetry is a divine expression of life , sacred imagination manifest in words . I celebrate your discriminating intellect and immense potential. May you achieve all in life you so desire.

Have a beautiful day.

Yours in Poetic Spirit