Mino7Rocker : Writing



A Poem by Mino7Rocker

sudden thoughts of you burst in like sunlight passing through glass, easily, bright but trapped in. leading my so called heart to beat so fast, it'..


A Poem by Mino7Rocker

the neon light of my room blinks I stare at it till my eyes are blurry rock metal to my ears; song it screams unconsciously sober writing a diary ..
Breaking through Denial

Breaking through Denial

A Poem by Mino7Rocker

Light appearing like a shadow in the darkness of my room. Two small twin windows edged up on the wall.. Being surrounded by this gloom.. Searching ..


A Poem by Mino7Rocker

On my way home, the sky crossed path my eyes, The moon looked more far than ever. I raised my hand I held it high, The more I tried to reach, I fel..
broken birdy

broken birdy

A Poem by Mino7Rocker

Once upon a time, there was a little bird, a lost, cold, hurt little beauty. her eyes shined brighter than a pearl, Flying through a path clueless,..
Talking corps

Talking corps

A Poem by Mino7Rocker

Tick Tock Tick Tock, Nothing else I hear. Time isn't frozen but I'm stuck, I feel nothing not even fear. +++++++++++++++ I feel numb everything i..
beautiful eyes is her name

beautiful eyes is her name

A Poem by Mino7Rocker

Beautiful eyes is her name.. Beautiful eyes has it all.. No matter how hard was the rain.. You never let it make you small. ------------ The tear..
Come back to me

Come back to me

A Poem by Mino7Rocker

hey you that breathes in me.. would you answer my thoughts ? you must be tired surely .. finding your way out of these holes. ############# unbre..
I don't know

I don't know

A Poem by Mino7Rocker

its here again.. A feeling that I hoped won't cross my path, I don't wanna be sane. this time I just can't laugh. ...... hey look at me tell me ..
winter night

winter night

A Poem by Mino7Rocker

sound of the wind breaking through my window.. under my blanket I'm frozen, holding my teddy not letting go.. i'v been stroked hard by my sin. ---..