Leah D

Leah D


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About Me

Imagine a world where most of the populace has at least some telepathic ability: the ability to communicate with others without speech, even across distance; the ability to read other's thoughts and screen their own; the ability to acquire knowledge from dreams and visions; the ability to share the content and abilities of their minds without recourse to written or vocal communication. What happens to social, religious, and political development in such a world? What happens to individuals of intelligence and talent, especially psychic talent? Some answers appear in the stories I'm pursuing.

Sometimes a character of mine writes poetry, and I have access to that too.

Time to start over, apparently. Everything posted e'er now has been dumped, by Admin error, so all I'll have here for awhile will be my new novel, The Brothers Karoli (thanks, Bill!) -- it's about the primary villain in my first two books, his origins, his development into the mustache-twirler we know and love. (He's actually clean-shaven, by the way.) I hope to make Lord Valmur more human through this story, but he'll never be a sympathetic character -- for that I have his dispossessed older half-brother, Tuorvonen.

I may repost Timu's Sonnet too, since it's been received favorably before.

Ah, Charlie -- it must be karma, or kismet, or something else that starts with a "k".



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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hi Leah. Got your invite but I'm still not included in Wood. Is there something I have to do to turn it on?

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thanks for your comments, Leah. I appreciate the effort and time you put into the review.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thank you for the review of "Life is too Short to be Taken Seriously", I agree with your suggestion, and a change has been made.


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Posted 17 Years Ago

Lull Alert!

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hi Leah, i added a new work to the group and to balance things out, i hope you'd remove one of my previous works. I think removing "Whispers in the Maelstrom" would be ok. Thanks. :)

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hey Leah. Thanks for the review. Just a few lines that came to me. Not sure what the rest will look like. Have a good weekend! Rob

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thanks for your lovely review! I was so happy to hear your impression...I will begin looking into your work just as soon as the opportunity allows. :)

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thanks for adding me. Your novel True Minds is fascinating, and I look forward to reading it all, and the sequels. I'm hoping to post some of my fantasy soon. Stop by any time!

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thanks again, Leah. Fantastic suggestions, all of which regarding elements i'd overlooked. This kind of precision is very helpful and i'm grateful you took the time to offer me a hand. :)

Adam H.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thanks for the review and comments on Realm of Shadows. I am currently rereading the section myself, with your comments next to it. Though as it is late now, I will formulate my response and post in the AM. You have some great suggestions and I wish to review these points with you. Also I want to add a few insights into the story line, thus causing points for more discussions on the Prologue.
Also, thanks for the invite.