Mimozi : Writing

...of Flowers and Things

...of Flowers and Things

A Poem by Mimozi

I wish to write of flowers and things Beautiful things Tangible things Of the world my new eyes capture Of every sound and every scent Of that..
Sudden Happiness

Sudden Happiness

A Poem by Mimozi

A poem about these rare moments of exhilarating, infinite posibilities
Who I Am

Who I Am

A Poem by Mimozi

I carry in my blood the might of the khansBorn on horseback, racing through the steppesMercilessTangra is my fatherHorse-tailed spear in handThe eagle..
Your Eyes

Your Eyes

A Poem by Mimozi

The sun's flame catches in your eyes Drawn by the threads of gold Two crystal pools of liquid joy Profess their feelings bold. They sing..

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