Mimozi : Writing

Under Your Skin

Under Your Skin

A Poem by Mimozi

Verse 1 The other day, I saw you saw me It’s been a while, a long, long while I saw you stumble and ignore me I watched a while, just for a ..
The Last Walk

The Last Walk

A Poem by Mimozi

It happens sometimes that losing lover forces you to lose a friend and a soul-mate too...
Pushing Me Away

Pushing Me Away

A Poem by Mimozi

I have been toying around with various poetry forms, this one being my attempt at a VILLANELLE. I love this style, the rhyme and repetition give it a ..
The Flame Within

The Flame Within

A Poem by Mimozi

A soft and romantic side of me that sadly does not get the chance to see the light of day very often. This poem was writen a while back but only reall..
Assigning Blame

Assigning Blame

A Poem by Mimozi

"exactly what is says"
The Beginning

The Beginning

A Poem by Mimozi

The first chord The first line The first look The first rhyme Those rare moments of sheer bliss When life forms perfect piece by piece When do..


A Poem by Mimozi

I struggle to put all the pieces together I try for completion, I reach for perfection I stretch far beyond the end of my tether But all that I se..


A Poem by Mimozi

An empty canvass of a woman Stripped and empty and content Not contained but spilling Spilling over meticulously measured margins Of the accepted ..
Through the Seasons

Through the Seasons

A Poem by Mimozi

Bright as the brightest of winter suns Infusing my sight with dazzling yellow light. You shine in my soul and glow in my heart. But just as my skin..
The Tide

The Tide

A Poem by Mimozi

You sweep in like the tide Swift and unstoppable Satiating and suffocating Demanding immediate surrender Drowning all resistance Plunging in deep..

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