About MeI've been writing for a year and have recently switched from DeviantArt. This place is new and scary and kinda confusing like everything is at first. I write poems, and stories, and poems that read in a certain order make up a story.
I want to work at making it socially acceptable to bring up mental disorders, and the collateral of it. Suicide, Self-Harm,Bipolar, Schizophrenia, what ever the case is. Why can you say your pregnant but I can't say I've thought of killing myself ? I am very fire and have strong opinions, I hope you enjoy my work and help me get to a place where I can help people with my work or even just have my work help you out through something. Don't be an a*s sitting at the computer, be constructive or get lost. Don't berate me or anyone for something we may post. If it really is bad report it, if you're begin a jerk get help in your life and find balance in your life. If you've read this far down, and agree I probably like you. I don't bite often so don't be afraid. |