They grew them big last yearPrior seasons sent us small packetsOnce pine barrens now sandy soilPulled out of the loam to fill - belliesStored within w..
Barbie bashing OpOld illiterates throwing usInto the pastLike that was pretty, pinkSin today - forgiven on SundayA mushroom cloudTeachers with barely ..
She fell into her illnessA flake descending into whiteHer mother telling BettyShe couldn't leave the house to playBut she could come upKathy was all a..
Sturdy stock, survivor sheShows us beauty, petals roundYoung mrn courting each layerAcross the isle Welch sing, sayEhe is harmony and gentle touchCall..
Eating breakfast with a squirrelCrow flies into empty frameAlights on electric pole waits awhileWhat was said and done creepsAcross town weighs, the w..
They move as ifThe power its' beatPulls out of themShouts and screamsFlailing arms and feetWilling captives offerFor us that forceMove to music, dance..
The blonde MexicanI think it was himJohnny, you'd have known a flashBut you're gone andI've been on water pillsHim knocking ice off wipersHurrying int..