Mike Luoma : Writing

Alibi Jones

Alibi Jones

A Book by Mike Luoma

A sequel to "The Vatican Assassin Trilogy" - It's 23 years later. Alibi Jones is the son of Bernard Campion, aka BC, the protagonist of "Vatican Assas..
Prologue 2nd Draft

Prologue 2nd Draft

A Chapter by Mike Luoma

Getting there... pretty close to finished now
Chapter One 2nd Draft

Chapter One 2nd Draft

A Chapter by Mike Luoma

Getting there...
The disturbance and the aftermath

The disturbance and the aftermath

A Poem by Mike Luoma

The story of a rift in reality...
Ceremonies of Light and Dark

Ceremonies of Light and Dark

A Poem by Mike Luoma

Some ceremonial Poetry for celebrating the Seasons
Mad Captain

Mad Captain

A Poem by Mike Luoma

A Song Lyric About George W.
Panthea Obscura: Deifornication

Panthea Obscura: Deifornication

A Screenplay by Mike Luoma

A Comic Book Script. I'm turning this into a series with Argentinian artist Juan Carlos Quattordio. If you're really motivated, you can get a free dow..
The Rift and The Shadow

The Rift and The Shadow

A Book by Mike Luoma

Working Title. Fantasy/Sci-Fi. A work in it's very early stages.
Amaladak In The Marketplace

Amaladak In The Marketplace

A Chapter by Mike Luoma

Chapter One or at the very least an early chapter. We meet Amaladak and his Sons.
Vatican Abdicator

Vatican Abdicator

A Book by Mike Luoma

The 2nd Draft Opening Chapters of the Third Book in my "Vatican Assassin" Trilogy

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