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Chp 1 -- Confession

Chp 1 -- Confession

A Chapter by Rain

Impurities Impurities

A Poem by Rain

It's Raining Love It's Raining Love

A Story by Rain

Day by Day Day by Day

A Story by Rain

Shy Romance Shy Romance

A Story by Rain

Mirrors Mirrors

A Book by Rain

Pure Romance Pure Romance

A Book by Rain

About Me

Name: Rain --inactive as of 7/7--

-- Read Requests are now CLOSED --
*If you want me to review a book, if I enjoy it, i'll review the whole thing, if I don't I'll gladly review the 1st chapter. :)

*Don't send me read requests for other writers.

-- And please try not to send me chapters from the middle of your book =_=" --

- Ty for people who have reviewed my writing.
- I TRY to review bak. I am sometimes lazy...

Writing Statuses :D
Only way to solve it is...to ditch it and start a new one. chyea. smart one here x)

One book is the remaining survivor. Appreciate reviews ANDDDDD shall review back.

Anime, manga, kpop, books, my laptop <-- way too cool :D

Manga: Doubt. Read it, it will blow you mind. After that, read Judge by the same author.
Anime: Uhh...not any that stood out...
Kpop: SNSD X) yeh, but UKISS 0330 is pretty good. So is Big Bang's special edition. :D
Books: mm...most recent book I read...Virals by Kathy Reichs. It's pretty good.

-- May sometimes be offline for a longgggg time for studies --


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Posted 13 Years Ago

Hehe funny :P I love Sydney...

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Posted 13 Years Ago

Just noticed your from Australia. So am I :D

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Posted 13 Years Ago

Its okay :) I'm here if you ever wanna talk though x

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Posted 13 Years Ago

Thanks for the review :) you okay?

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Posted 13 Years Ago

Thanks for the review! :)

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Posted 13 Years Ago

damn i get EI's all the time, fill a sock with rice and heat it up, put it on ur ear, it always makes me feel better lol

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Posted 14 Years Ago

LOL, no problem, ahahaha
yeh, I have this problem where if there is one sentence on another page, its gotta fit on the page before it :D
lol, I will get to reading your second chapter very soon.
And thanks for your reviews too :D

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Posted 14 Years Ago

As I say to everyone now that has endured my chapter one, I'm sorry! I'm so OCD, when I first wrote and submitted that chapter, it had to fit perfectly on my pages on Microsoft word, so I made it super tiny. But, I got over that, no matter how much it may bug me, to spare my eyes and those of everyone else. If you continue on to chapter two, you can see that, dare I say it? There's readable font! WHOO! And thanks so much for the review!

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Posted 14 Years Ago

yeh, it was a bit, hahaha

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Posted 14 Years Ago

That last message was very bizarre, wasn't it? Well, I was very tired and frankly a little loopy.
