Matthew Jones : Writing

Exists Some Beauty....

Exists Some Beauty....

A Poem by Matthew Jones

Exists some beauty in the thoughtOf puncture wounds and blood,Of salty tears of mortal fears,Of wickedness in floods.I know it's there but cannot sayE..
While Hope Closes the Door

While Hope Closes the Door

A Poem by Matthew Jones

There are times alone my mind decidesHe must go take a stroll,And leaves my body's blank-eyed stareTo touch all he beholds.He flows out hovered above ..
Creatures Lined

Creatures Lined

A Poem by Matthew Jones

What fun! the creatures made behindThe sculpting of our hands:The silhouette carnivore, crouched,Preying on the man,Or if we are less sinister,--those..


A Poem by Matthew Jones

I want to breathe airInto your mouthAnd down into your lungs.I see your wife--I see the knife--And other cruelties doneDeterred, I’m not.Afraid,..
Where the light stops

Where the light stops

A Poem by Matthew Jones

SingsongCrank it upOblivion draws nearGossamer blush,No need to rush--Content, we’ll listen hereFor like the groom,Thinking honeymoon"So little ..
Summer Hum

Summer Hum

A Poem by Matthew Jones

Can you hear the murmur churning,Emerging like the stars,Springing forth on flower buds.Born is the summer hum.Feel seductive vibrationsKneading hope ..
Out through the in door

Out through the in door

A Poem by Matthew Jones

Those on deathbeds, why so grave?You whimper to deaths door.Don't you recall our brazen stepsCrossed through it once before?Voices wailing, fists sail..
Hangover Musing

Hangover Musing

A Poem by Matthew Jones

Consciousness is falling brains fromGhostly mountains aboveAnd when two lonesome drops collideAnd plummet as one, there's loveBut if you find no one's..


A Poem by Matthew Jones

Son, sprawled out, torpid on the sofa,Eyes glazed in gossamer film,Do you now bemoan your beautiful living?Do you now despise your excessive pondering..
I'd like an Americano

I'd like an Americano

A Poem by Matthew Jones

Mechanical man,Hurling gun-magnetMitts,Drunk in late-night rants,Eying gals,Mouthing politics,TitsWife, dying hair,Kid, ashen, slitWrist,In the tub,Dy..

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