My love has died, and this is all they've left behind..
In love with a fool. But the way you treat me, and the liar you've become, is forcing me to leave.
I'm done with your lying, and your pathetic excuses.
I'm in a war with myself, suicide is my happy ever after. And with Death's Grip in hand, I know 'll get there.
Feeling innocently in love.
You make me feel like nothing, and that is exactly what I am.
No one cares to know you, nor do they see anything but a pretty face. But I see more...
Have your secrets ever eaten you alive?
Seth Gorrin isn't your average teenager. Neither is Jamie Luthor. When their worlds collide, they find hurt, and mostly love. Little did she know that..
"Seth? Where are you boy!" Forty-three year old Mark Gorrin yelled for his sixteen year old son, Seth.
Mark barged through the swinging f..