Michael Fenix

Michael Fenix


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Fort Worth, TX
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About Me

It all started back on a snowy January night back in Nineteen-Hundred and eighty. A star was born, but it wasn't me, nope I wasn't destined for a life of luxury. I was in the crib next to his, the star, crying my baby a*s out. Turns out, I was a burnt red premmie, and I was hurtin bad. They had to put me in a bubble for a 2 weeks and run all kinds of expensive tests on me. Needless to say I was kicked out of the hospital after they found out my parents didn't have any medical insurance; but everything turned out alright. And now here I am, twenty eight years later out in the middle of BFE with my life going nowhere, and I have to say, I'm having a great time doin it!!! I'm what you call a "disaffected twenty-something", late twenties anyway, a proud member of "Gen-Y", google it I don't have time to splain, that's Y I try to erase my memory every weekend. I'm currently conducting research on beer and its effects on memory loss. I'm trying to find a way out. I still haven't quite figured it out yet.