These are modern English translations of the ancient Japanese poems of Ono no Komachi, translated by Michael R. Burch.
“Jessamyn’s Song” is an early poem of mine inspired by Claude Monet’s oil painting “The Walk, Woman with a Parasol,&rdqu..
These are antinatalist poems, quotes, epigrams and translations.
These heretical poems on the subjects of God, religion and Christianity explain why I “left” the Religious Right.If one screams below,what..
These are prayer poems by Michael R. Burch, along with a few hymns and poems on the subject of God and religion.
This is a collection of limericks by Michael R. Burch, along with limerick-like poems and other poems written in limerick meter.
These are poems for children, poems about children, and poems about mothers, fathers and families…
Sonnets by Michael R. Burch
These are poems about science: computers, AI, robots, drones, advanced weapons, global warming, climate change, pollution, extinction events, deforest..
These are poems about Shakespeare, poems for Shakespeare, and poems after Shakespeare.