I’m happy to
see that you made it to the birth of your daughter,
Who is basically
a you-looking raisin.
I love the way you look in the morning. The way your hair flips up into a cute mess of dark spikes;I like the way your mom cooks, the Christmas dinner..
I heard from a friend of a friendThat you're planning to marry her.My breath hasn't been seen sinceEven though the air is cold.The inside of me is col..
I'm gonna stay plugged inFor just a little while longer.It's just that there's not much to do right now,And my brain needs a break,Yeah, that's it aBr..
A few questions for you:Did you read them yourself, or were they read to you?The poems, I mean,Did he read them to you lying in that same bedThat he s..
I'm writing this to forget you;Let me scribble some words against the pictureOf you in my mind and hold them to your forehead until you've beenExorcis..
There's a pitcher on a shelf in my mother's kitchen;A gift from a friend, I think,On some occasion since forgotten.It has never been used to hold any ..
Prepositions are slippery things;Did you know that in Spanish they say"Put it inthe table,"And "Put your hat over your head?"It's true.And it can get ..
It's been three days.Usually there would be five or six or seven hoursOf relative silence, butWith a few pictures sent back and forth,To remind each o..
Today I deleted your number.I did it without flinching, with a freezing calm;It's the same feeling I get when I look at a deerThrough the scope of my ..