Megan E Twenter : Writing

My Best Friend

My Best Friend

A Poem by Megan E Twenter

enough said in the title


A Poem by Megan E Twenter

I've got letters in my mailboxfilled up to the brimwith apologies and longingsand where to beginsand I'm so tired of your postageeach stamp from a new..


A Poem by Megan E Twenter

The cycle will remainof endless nights and pointless fightsand although you've grown to hate me nowill love you just the sameit was never a question o..


A Poem by Megan E Twenter

Something about you gets meAnd something about you makes us the sameSince you crawled in my headand I laid in your bedyou're all i can see and hope th..


A Poem by Megan E Twenter

every single daysince that very first datei swore id never changeguess what, i still f*****g hate youand passing are the hoursand you never brought me..


A Poem by Megan E Twenter

the walls are made of bricksand everything is closing inthese bones are made of glassand your words are wearing thinbut maybe thats how this worksmovi..
My Love, Oh Love

My Love, Oh Love

A Poem by Megan E Twenter

Sweet spring air,Do whisper deceit,My love, Oh love,Come back to me.Some call to floatersApparitions of the eyeBlinding me Oh, do come backThe flashin..
Cant Take It

Cant Take It

A Poem by Megan E Twenter

Boggling, I'm shookfrom head to toeDizzy, quiet listeningGIVE BACK WHAT YOU TOOKApprehensive aggression,you did it with spiteplease, please returnYOU ..
Poor Boy

Poor Boy

A Poem by Megan E Twenter

Ive broke it,its broken,I've taken a lifeThis love,all your love,I cut with a knifeMy boy,Oh my baby,Why cant we grow oldWithin touch,Out of reachYour..