my leather shoes don't last longi go out in the fields with my bow tie onblack over whitea bottle of wine between these finer sheetsstains round the f..
she's energyshe's my therapythe counterpart of my synergywriting my name on the wallsand checking my veins every fallse-re-ni-tyclarity and brutalityw..
these things keen onmy fins, my sheetsi've been sharkin oni've been shearin onthe children on the streets, i've been dealing ondawning, i've been claw..
Manna is sickManna is sickAs you can tell by the ring of her bellsShe might as well be wellManna is sickBut by the way she singsIt comes like a subtle..
I see blood on my floorsThere's blood on my seatsAnd there's blood, on the door hinges...There's blood, with the sheepIn the breedAnd with the seedThe..
You could throw the diceWatch dem heads rollTap into the red carpet and watch your feet staggerYou're a beggar, because you're lesser than bloody and ..