dusk warm minddawn torn eyeseverstrong gripstill slipperychill stream across this oathoh no this trustis covered in dusta single sweep of yoursno more..
i write poetrybecause it takes me backto when i had strength instead of reliefstanding on the reef facing my fearsinstead of handling stranger tearsal..
filter the pigment of my skinrecolor me, into warm solutionsort the palette with your lipsyou feel, it's a wise choiceeach stroke is a felt forcepaint..
dawn on meolive fieldwithin dragon eyed irissight on, my overly drawn on tailcourse on my middle eastern strifei weep my lovethis heart ain't mine to ..
Lonely wyvernGuidance in with my lionsMy mid autumn crisis haunts meStalks me and I'll be dammed if I don't regretThe sudden poodle reappearsDisguised..
my landlord's handsomewalks with the peasant would you everbecome a statueif you knew you'd be my preciousmy landlord's ransom is a quarter pound of t..