You gazed into my eyes,and I saw my own reflection.Her smile was uninhibited love.Her eyes, guileless and trusting.Her hands reminded you of little bi..
She is calloused feet and golden skinShe is honeysuckle and saltShe is a time before there was sinand freedom unfettered by faultShe is adventure on k..
I challenged myself to write about a pleasant childhood memory... This is what came out. Not quite what I had aimed for.
He cracked open his sternumand pried apart his ribs."I have made you a home."He closed his ribs carefully around her,"for safe keeping,"and sewed shut..
When the girl died,no one was watching her.No one memorialized her.Only the baby cried.No one mourned her for weeks,and even then, only secretly.
Where did you go?Or was it I who left?I feel you come inand test the limits of my skin.Electricity. Relief. Fear.
Sugar, she moves her body, soft and round and roundSugar, sweet and smooth,She loves the money,loves the music, loves the sound of her name.She says, ..
Your every touch is electrifying.The untrained hands are trouble,But prudent fingers, controlled chaos. Touches that say nothing, but mean more,An int..