Randy Mckenica -writers write

Randy Mckenica -writers write


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Buffalo, NY
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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

I write whatever style piques me at the moment. I can be simple, classic or rhymey... Obtuse /or/and indecipherable, maudlin and morose... lovelorn or erotic cryptic or trite, fictional or semi-autobiographical. Be careful what you say to me or you might see yourself somewhere within my work. All I strive for is to do the best job i can at whatever genre i happen to choose at the moment, and hope you will come along for the ride- knowing it's both an wonderous joy and an anathema.


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Posted 10 Years Ago


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Posted 16 Years Ago

Hello you.....

I'm back.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Randy, I'm so sorry my title offends you, I know I'm very wrong in many ways, this just being one of them. Guess I've been here long enough not to be surprised by a damn thing anymore. As writers, it is our personal responsibility to protect what we create. I'm sorry you left your masterpieces in someone else's hands, especially because our work doesn't always mean as much to others as it does to us, although, sometimes it does mean more to those we touch by it. I am completely sorry for your loss...I've been here just as long but my work isn't gone, only printed out on paper. Many people are realizing a very valuable lesson here. Personally, it is losing everyone else's words that hurts me the most... there were so many wonderful pieces I didn't get to yet. As for my own crap, I'm not concerned. I guess that's where my "insensitivity" comes in. I'm beyond caring about the blunders of this site already. I've witnessed too many to be shocked. As for me, I'm not really "protected" either, as a mere flame can take out my words forever. Perhaps it should. I do know some people were able to salvage things through the Google cache which is listed in the notices, but, as you've said....time is of the essence. I am very sorry for your loss....the real indifference is towards my own. I'm taking it as a sign to move on from my past pains and forge ahead with a clean slate. For me, it's a timely cleansing. I apologize for pouring salt in your open wound, it definitely was NOT my intention. And yes, I laugh at inappropriate times too.
Just another human being,

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Posted 17 Years Ago

when i am done crying, i'll be back (to complete my tragic life i needed not only to lose one thing after another, but to have the record of my loss carelessly erased)

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Posted 17 Years Ago

this was my back up. Thanks guys

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hey darlin! I see we've both been doing some cave dwelling. : ) Thanks for your review and yeah the white house hasn't done much for any of us! LOL I miss you too and hope to see you again soon. Hope you had a wonderful holiday season and I wish you a happy and prosperous New year. Much love, ML

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Posted 17 Years Ago

re: the review -- i've always been a pretentious arsehole -- it's one of my winning factors!

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Posted 17 Years Ago

glad you liked it - definitely check the video out and the other video which is mind numbingly distrubing, it really goes into depth about how screwed we are and how complacent we've become...

www.zeitgeistmovie.com (it goes into a few areas, but it is so well worth seeing)

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Posted 17 Years Ago

i finally tried to add more work and i can't edit it. this site just gets worse and worse... sigh

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hello my Dearest Randy......

How are you? It's been a while since we spoke. :o)