May Lee

May Lee


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About Me

Over the past thirty + years, I have written lyrics, poetry and short stories. Some of these pieces were created to entertain my two children when they were small and now are passed on to my grandkids. A few pieces reflect times with various people and situations along this "old broad's" lifewalk; including poems/lyrics that express the marvelous relationship between God and myself.
Due to occasional name changes (along with husbands,) I�ve written under a few different combinations of pen last-names; Poirier, Bates, Campbell, Gnsnti, to name a few. However, none of them really settled right (no pun intended - maybe.)
Awhile back, a short-term acquaintance (between husbands) suggested the pen name, May Lee; I kind of liked it and adopted it.
I enjoy creating stories and write for the love of it.
This writer's website looks pretty cool and I'm looking forward to checking it out.


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Posted 18 Years Ago

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Hi, Everyone:

I wish you a happy holidays and best wishes. I want to thank everyone for taking the time to look at my page, any reviews or comments. I am taking a semi-break and will be back in full force in January 2007.

Happy Holidays,
Scott Grant Eckert

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Well that was sweet of you to say. I'd be honored

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Posted 18 Years Ago

thanks so much for your kind words about "The Life And Death Of A Dog." i'm glad you liked it, and i look forward to reading some of your stuff soon.

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Thanks for the reviews. Glad you liked them.