Our memories
Are all over the meadow,
In the clover.
Nature made us lovers,
Among the deer
and visiting plover;
We opened the treasure
Sun overhead
Cooling elms give relief,
Bringing out long legs in dresses
Old men playing bocci, playing chess;
A poet tossing yesterday's bread
A poem for kids who love McDonald's
Dear coffee,
You skyrocket my blood pressure,
You are no substitute
For water,
And your acidity
Leaves my esophagus
In shambles;
I feel as th..
Words once moved the Earth
Today they're more inert;
It's music that now moves men,
Causing them to dive right in,
Chasing Sirens to Charybdis
Broken is freedom
A tune hummed itself across my mind,
travelled over barren desert dunes,
cerebrum folds, and down my spine;
A quiver.
it lost its nerve hal..
Written April 13, 2016
Philosophy of religion written April 14, 2017
Written on April 15, 2017