Chaotic echoes linger from distant realmsAll that has existed in this patch of landExists now in the absence of timeIn between every extreme contained..
wheniturn to see your facein imprints left behindforeign shapes of shallow depthsowshiftingriftsthrough timefalse impressions follow pathsalluding tru..
wrapped up neatlyin layered appeasementspilling forth tides of contrivanceso willing to forsakethe wakened handsthat trace our face upon usfates effac..
life has left us coiledstranded cold where home stands homelessfates are given and receivedas deemed fortuitousby minds of muted soundthose with whom ..
In transient thoughts of our truths sent to exileUrgent as molten earth, looms at dawn's hourSediments layered in shades of complexityGranules compose..
words trickle down from eaves of vesper escarpmentas selenite shards in depth depicting shadeseclipsing the errs of an umbral ambriabertrandite beckon..
time in tides shall find herwrapped in aimless waiverjutting like a wayward boughfrowns the upturned skyslivers lost tinged coniferswallow then her so..
seafloor accosted in vanishandclamentdid cradle come crashingin ashen shrill cries precipitousmolten earth hissed forth the heavensso densely had held..