Under the ruby speckled foliageHours passed as our past spilled out before usRandom shapes, unraveling growthAs strange as what we have becomeSoaked i..
love looms amid the earthen shrinein contrast with truthpressing onto parchmentmuted musings left inlingeringfor glancing eyeswould gaze in contemptag..
revered red roseplucked perfectionsilken sheen of sworn silphiumpassion implied through echoed glancessparking bursts amid darkness reborngaze into ep..
a flower unknown bears a truthobscured discreet layers of lifeits tenses of tempered perfectionis fruit that falls not from bare skyeffusing in flawed..
Bereft, lay my heart upon ocean floorForever once wandered from her lipsNow eclipsed in shadowed solitudeIndiscernible , such impetus gives wayAllayin..
words would impede my need to expressthis feeling that bleeds as it beats from my chesta symbol of infinite bounding enclosedas simple and intricate s..
sun kissed flecks in ochre huetrickling trails of wistful trodpouring out as florid scents sailyawning canopy doused cloverflailing gales of ghostly w..
errant wafts of ghostly whispers struggle to swaybut their words fall inmagneticarrestboring through terrestrial layershaltingwhen furnace beckonssorr..
verityas thought forsakenlingers long in clouds of leadtwisting spires of wrought contortionsown distortion courting dreadshedding hours spread like r..