M.D. Stephens

M.D. Stephens


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About Me

I have been reading all my life and started dabling at the idea of becoming a writer about 7-8 years ago. I started off writing short stories, and then wrote my first novella, "Violent Faith". That story is probably not very good. Honestly, it is full of all the kinds of mistakes new writers make (weak characters, akward diologue, etc. etc.) I also have written another novel, "The Caged Boys". This one might be better, but still has its issues. I'm still learning and trying to improve. I have come along and had a seat at the writing cafe to have a fresh start. I plan on posting completely new material on here for this community to critique and give me honest feedback. I'm very interested to see if I have made any progress in the last eight years and see if I have what it takes to be taken seriously as an author. Some of my first stories were very horror-styled and sexual. I would like to break away from that a little bit and try something everyone could enjoy. I'm sure I'll still have certain graphic scenes in some stories because that's what I like to read, but I would like to try a young adult novel and maybe some children stories as well, but don't worry, if you're a horror or drama fan, i will still be writing plenty of that too.

I am a married man with two boys and I currently reside in smalltown Minnesota. As you could imagine, with work, and a 5 and 7 year old, it makes time to write and read tough, but I try my best to stick to it because like Stephen King said, "If you want to be a writer. You have to read a lot and write a lot." I hope to make some friends and meet some creative people.
Cheers, M.D. Stephens