We are destined to be intertwined I am stuck to the chair with three empty wine bottles. The cops are at the front door because sometimes, love is vio..
We will: chase death robots on trains with grass railroad tracks through victorian alleys. walk down the steps of Lourdes inside the Pyrenean foothill..
Cigarettes in the drizzle baggage under the eyelids, there are no fools to find on the dark side of the the stage. Colorless Sundays are appra..
In the tangle of the spider web heels and square-toes click against wet microchips. Status update personas, streaming live feeds through the artifici..
I love you, but I will not chase you through the loops and tunnels of your inadequacies, everytime you see your wedding dress waving magically in the ..
Henry Miller had a point lost somewhere in his prose. Daggers laced with fatigue and modern living. Inside the empty mattress on the f..
We say Good-bye, with the most sincere "Parts of our Heart" The less it means, the more we must "hold on to it" Honesty is terrible and cold. But, th..
I love you, because you are so much more human I love you, because you will be there waiting When the final coffee ceremonies turn to hugs, tears, and..
The old man still looks tougher than life, even if there are a few more dents in his "don´t mak´em like they used to" armor. I told him to..
Cañas keep me awakewhile my woman ispassed out on my shoulderinside a bar withpuke-aqua colored walls.The drunk man walks back and forthpacing ..