Sometimes it becomes too muchto drag this suitcase down the assmebly line,the same mechanical routine.Ire-read your e-mails everydayto soften the meta..
tweeting like a stock ticker across the t.v. screenthe countdown begins 3 2 1the attention spa n s a ..
like ashesdripping from the cherryof a forbidden cigarette,on a cold morningdrunker than I intendedto be.The bilebuilds upin the back of my throatas I..
I wish I could´ve been there...I wish I could´ve never let that happenI wish the wi-fi would not be so fickle.The beauty and joy you exude..
Four handsome men sing lullabys: security oppurtunity pride defense. Four monsters bleed through the pores of a dapper´s mask: repression nation..
I think about how much I miss you on my solitary walks from Lavapíes to Sol to Malasaña, Along the river through Imperíal to La L..
break under the slightest tinge of pressure in the palm of a baby´s hand mended and caressed like ductile clay. peel back to a juicy core of tea..
do not benor will notwrite of treesso very beautifulor close eyes wideto smell flowers fragrancefrom a boxmade of wooddiluted, deludeddown the sewerof..
(Sometimes you have to sufferto be with the one you love)Some nights it becomes so unbearableon the dark 4 a.m. Malasaña streetsswamped in the ..
I am alone,connected to everythingI touchI seeI love.I am Godwith unwashed feetunnoticed, laughed at, spit uponignored, revered, respected,all encompa..