Mark Pearce

Mark Pearce


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About Me

I am happy to introduce the presentation line-up for the 2009 Montserrat Poetry Festival, to be held at Montserrat Vineyards, Montserrat, Missouri on Sunday afternoon, May 3rd, 2009.

2:00 pm Deborah Mann / Sedalia

2:20 pm Doug Kiburz / Sedalia

2:40 pm Alex Wales / Warrensburg

3:00 pm Mary Kim Schreck / Osage Beach

3:20 pm Mark Pearce / Warrensburg

3:40 pm K Michael Moore / Coralville, Iowa

4:00 pm Christina Pacosz / Kansas City

4:30 pm Neal Torrey / Bolivar

5:00 pm Alec Bell / London, England

5:30 pm Deb Noland / Sedalia

6:00 pm Walter Bargen / Ashland

6:30 pm Hubert Neth / Lee�s Summit

7:00 pm Linda O�Connell / Wellesley, Massachusetts

7:20 pm John Hardesty / Rapid City, South Dakota

7:40 pm Mabel Fowler / Sedalia

8:00 pm Russell Christianson / Clinton

Aficionados may recognize a few names on the list, including Missouri poet laureate Walter Bargen, dA writers Alec Bell, John Hardesty and K Michael Moore, and a number of other familiar names from the region.

The slate is comprised of published and unpublished writers, cowboy poets, refined stylists, realists and name it. It�s going to be fun.

If you are in the vicinty I hope you will consider joining us for this special event. It�s a come-and-go affair, so you can stay for 30 minutes or four hours � you get to choose. If you�d like to register your interest in attending, skip over to the Montserrat Poetry Festival Meet-Up web page at

I hope to see you there!

Special thanks to public television station KMOS-TV and Montserrat Vineyards, which are both helping to underwrite this year�s event.

Mark Pearce


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Posted 15 Years Ago

one of these years I'll make it . . . best wishes to you :)

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Posted 15 Years Ago

honesty could be over-rated

I was wondering to myself over the weekend if I couldn't skip a living history weekend and travel west one weekend for a poetry festival. . . Danny's jobless status makes it a little hard to plan

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Hey, I understand the busy thing.... just finished my "tour" with the Cub Scouts. I'm hoping to get back into writing. Let me know how the festival turns outs/


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Posted 16 Years Ago

Hey Mark.

Poetry festivals are always worth it.

I am taking a creative writing class, so I have been able to do some writing. It all keeps me busy, which I like.

I hope the festival is amazing.


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Posted 16 Years Ago

Hi Mark,
Content is good (or is it)? I hope things are going well! Have a good week.


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Posted 16 Years Ago

Hi mark,
I was going to send you some pictures...35 to be exact! But I deleted them...hee hee! Have a great day and talk to you soon.


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Posted 16 Years Ago

A spelling mistake is small payment for a smile, think I will leave it just for you, and in my head I bloody knew it look wrong but was tipsy writing again. Hope you are well?


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Posted 16 Years Ago

Stopping by to say howdy...hope all is well.

Good to see you around.


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Posted 16 Years Ago

Thank you for your review on "The Last Night" :)

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Posted 16 Years Ago

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