Martiya Daman : Writing

Chapter 5: Tri, Tack Swingies

Chapter 5: Tri, Tack Swingies

A Chapter by Martiya Daman

The tape was terrifying. Itin spotted another and they put the other DVD again in the TV. It again was corrupted with entities. Again and again more D..
Chapter 6: What the- HECK?

Chapter 6: What the- HECK?

A Chapter by Martiya Daman

The Swingies jumped one place to another. The group was obsevering them carefully, everyone's heart was dropping. Tick Man just was right next to them..
Chapter 7: The Secret Abyss

Chapter 7: The Secret Abyss

A Chapter by Martiya Daman

They begin checking everything. Just then, Mericy said, "Look, a key in this blood jar! I don't want to touch the blood, get something!" Ferman got hi..
Chapter 8: Knew To Escape

Chapter 8: Knew To Escape

A Chapter by Martiya Daman

They all knew they had to ESCAPE. They went back to the place they were hiding in the closet before.*"Tick Man! Where are you!" Dark Torn said again. ..
Chapter 9: Ferman's Sacrifice

Chapter 9: Ferman's Sacrifice

A Chapter by Martiya Daman

They tried to squish inside of the vent quickly, but failed. Ferman spotted an axe, and held it, he broke the vent loudly. Dark Torn had entered the r..
Chapter 10: Forever Gone...

Chapter 10: Forever Gone...

A Chapter by Martiya Daman

The next day, Mericy and Itin walked up to the forest. They walked to the spot where the house WAS... "Where is the house... I swear it was here..." S..
Tick And Teared (Analog Horror)

Tick And Teared (Analog Horror)

A Book by Martiya Daman

Contains Blood and Death, Better not read this at night...
Missed It!

Missed It!

A Poem by Martiya Daman

A limerick
It Was A Dream?

It Was A Dream?

A Story by Martiya Daman

A contest entry for "A Dream Within One", and actually a poem


A Poem by Martiya Daman

A Senryu about Flatterers